List of posters

A detailed overview of all events can be found in the congress planner.

P 001
Use of phototrophic biofilms to improve plant growth
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
J. Kollmen Presenter TU Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für BioverfahrenstechnikM. Faul TU Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für BioverfahrenstechnikD. Strieth TU Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für Bioverfahrenstechnik
P 002
Arduino-based photo- and fluorimeter for histamine measurement in wine
Poster 6. Open Topic
S. Di Nonno Presenter TU KaiserslauternR. Ulber TU Kaiserslautern
P 003
Development of a portable analysis system for bioprocess and environmental analysis
Poster 6. Open Topic
E. Könnel Presenter Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für BioverfahrenstechnikR. Ulber Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für Bioverfahrenstechnik
P 004
Microbial production of ethyl acetate from a dairy waste stream: Advances in downstream processing via membrane technology
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
A. Hoffmann Presenter TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringA. Franz TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringC. Löser TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringT. Hoyer Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS)M. Weyd Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS)T. Walther TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Bioprocess Engineering
P 005
Co-cultivation of microalgae with filamentous fungi in marine environments: Utilization of waste products and agricultural residues
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
M. Tölle Presenter Thünen Institut für AgrartechnologieW. Hussmann Thünen Institut für AgrartechnologieA. Kuenz Thünen Institut für Agrartechnologie
P 006
Regulation of glucose uptake in Vibrio natriegens by environmental and physiological factors
Poster 4. Sustainability in biopharma processes
E. Straube Presenter Technische Universität DresdenC. Remedios Frazao TU Dresden, ZINTT. Walther Technische Universität Dresden
P 007
Transfer of biotechnological Lab-Experiments to Education – a new way for lab courses
Poster 6. Open Topic
L. Geuer Presenter TU Kaiserslautern, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringR. Ulber TU Kaiserlautern
P 008
Process design for the co-cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Bacillus subtilis
Poster 6. Open Topic
A. Hoffmann Presenter TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringV. Schmitz TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringC. Löser TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringT. Walther TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Bioprocess Engineering
P 009
Accessing biopharmaceutical large-scale conditions via a single multi-compartment bioreactor (SMCB)
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
L. Gaugler Presenter University of StuttgartY. Mast University of StuttgartJ. Fitschen Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)S. Hofmann Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)M. Schlüter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)R. Takors University of Stuttgart
P 010
Anodic respiration of Pseudomonas putida in parallel bioelectrochemical systems
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
A. Gemünde Presenter Technische Hochschule MittelhessenD. Holtmann Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
P 011
Cascade use a German ryegrass for the production of valuable bioproducts with a view to a Biorefinery
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
L. Varriale Presenter Technical University of KaiserslauternR. Ulber Technical University of KaiserslauternK. Kuka Julius Kühn InstituteN. Tippkötter University of Applied Sciences Aachen
P 012
Effect of red and blue LED light on CHO batch cultures with regard to optogenetic switches
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
S. Föller Presenter University of Stuttgart - Institute of Biochemical EngineeringR. Takors University of Stuttgart - Institute of Biochemical Engineering
P 013
Bioplastic from lignin – Fermentation of R. jostii for production of 2,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acid
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
J. Notheisen Presenter University of StuttgartR. Takors University of Stuttgart
P 014
Cell-free synthesis of silver nanoparticles in spent media of different Aspergillus sp.
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
A. Boldt Presenter TU DresdenT. Walther TU Dresden
P 015
Towards a sustainable enzymatic production of metaraminol with integrated in situ reactive extraction
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
L. Grabowski Presenter Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH/ RWTH Aachen UniversityM. Doeker RWTH Aachen UniversityA. Jupke RWTH Aachen UniversityD. Rother Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH/ RWTH Aachen University
P 016
Digital Twin under regulatory demanded Quality-by-Design approach of chromatography processes in mRNA and scFv manufacturing
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
F. Vetter Presenter TU ClausthalJ. Strube Technische Universität Clausthal
P 017
Digital Twin and PAT for Process Design and Optimization for HIV-Gag VLP Production in HEK293 Cells Including Purification
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
A. Hengelbrock Presenter Clausthal University of Technology/ Institute for Separation and Process TechnologyJ. Rosengarten Technische Hochschule KölnJ. Stitz Technische Hochschule KölnH. Helgers Clausthal University of Technology/ Institute for Separation and Process TechnologyA. Schmidt Clausthal University of Technology/ Institute for Separation and Process TechnologyJ. Strube Clausthal University of Technology/ Institute for Separation and Process Technology
P 019
Enzymatic P-Adjustment in Monogastric Animal Feeding: FT-IR Based Inline Analysis
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
N. Widderich Presenter Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisM. Kaltschmitt Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Liese Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisP. Bubenheim Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
P 020
Fresh red blood cells: scale-up of ex vivo erythroblast expansion for transfusion purposes
Poster 4. Sustainability in biopharma processes
J. Gallego Murillo Delft University of TechnologyM. von Lindern Sanquin ResearchE. van den Akker Sanquin ResearchC. Bernal Martinez Applikon Biotechnology B.V.T. van Arragon Applikon Biotechnology B.V.S. Wahl Presenter FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
P 021
Production of fat tissue in bioreactors. Towards a scalable process for cultivated meat.
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
S. Pedraza-de la Cuesta Presenter MeatableJ. Cohen MeatableJ. Slenter MeatableR. Out Meatable
P 022
Investigation of exopolysaccharide formation in Vibrio natriegens
Poster 6. Open Topic
C. Schulze Presenter Technical University of Munich Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and SustainabilityM. Hädrich Technical University of Munich Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and SustainabilityB. Blombach Technical University of Munich Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability
P 023
Development of a Novel Adenosine Triphosphate Regeneration System Using the Bulk Chemical Ethylene Glycol
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
J. Kundoch Presenter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)F. Kraußer Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)T. Walther Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)A. Liese Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
P 024
Production of valuable chemicals with yeasts and clostridia by electro-assisted fermentation
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
J. Hengsbach Presenter TU KaiserlauternD. Holtmann Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) - University of Applied SciencesR. Ulber TU Kaiserlautern
P 025
Development and application of a microfluidic platform for single- cell cultivation of CHO suspension cell lines
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
J. Schmitz Presenter Bielefeld UniversityB. Yermakov Bielefeld UniversityO. Hertel Bielefeld UniversityT. Noll Bielefeld UniversityA. Grünberger Bielefeld University
P 026
Low-biomass concept for industrial biotechnology with engineered Vibrio natriegens
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
M. Hädrich Presenter Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and SustainabilityC. Schulze Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and SustainabilityB. Blombach Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability
P 027
Combination of Kolbe electrolysis with microbial synthesis of isopropanol
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
N. Teetz Presenter Technische Hochschule MittelhessenD. Holtmann Technische Hochschule MittelhessenF. Harnisch Helmholtz Center for Envorinmental Research - UFZM. Stöckl DECHEMA Research Institute
P 028
Towards a Digital Twin for Enzymatic Hydrolysis Processes in a Packed Bed Reactor
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
C. Appl Furtwangen UniversityA. Moser Presenter Furtwangen UniversityC. Fittkau Furtwangen UniversityF. Baganz University College London (UCL)V. Hass Furtwangen University
P 029
Combining microcultivation and automation to enable accelerated process development for natural bacteriocin producers
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
V. Steier Presenter Forschungszentrum JülichS. Reich Ulm UniversityC. Riedel Ulm UniversityW. Wiechert Forschungszentrum JülichM. Oldiges Forschungszentrum Jülich
P 030
Microscale cultivation of Trichoderma reesei RutC30 enables strain phenotyping and bioprocess development in batch and fed-batch mode with higher throughput
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
K. Rohr Presenter Forschungszentrum JuelichL. Gremm Forschungszentrum JuelichB. Geinitz Forschungszentrum JuelichW. Wiechert Forschungszentrum JuelichM. Oldiges Forschungszentrum Juelich
P 031
Enzymatic Revalorization of Fucus vesiculosus Biomass from Beach Wrack as Source of Biopolymers
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
A. Malvis Romero Presenter Hamburg University of TechnologyF. Brozio Hamburg University of TechnologyC. Burkhardt Hamburg University of TechnologyL. Baruth Hamburg University of TechnologyG. Antranikian Hamburg University of TechnologyA. Liese Hamburg University of Technology
P 032
Mutasynthesis of Aurachins in Escherichia coli
Poster 6. Open Topic
S. Kruth Presenter TU Dortmund UniversityC. Zimmermann Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf at Forschungszentrum JülichJ. Pietruszka Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf at Forschungszentrum JülichM. Nett TU Dortmund University
P 033
CRISPRi enables fast growth followed by stable aerobic pyruvate formation in Escherichia coli without auxotrophy
Poster 4. Sustainability in biopharma processes
M. Ziegler University of StuttgartL. Hägele Presenter University of StuttgartT. Gäbele University of StuttgartR. Takors University of Stuttgart
P 034
Development of a plug-in system for photobioreactors
Poster 6. Open Topic
D. Strieth Presenter TU KaiserslauternN. Erdmann TU KaiserlauternJ. Kollmen TU KaiserlauternJ. Kalisch TU KaiserlauternB. Risch Universität Koblenz-Landau
P 035
Protein Crystallization by Crystal Contact Engineering and Monitoring of Crystallization by Image Analysis using Deep-Learning
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
B. Walla Presenter Technical University of MunichD. Bischoff Presenter Technical University of Munich
P 036
Enabling Biocatalysis with a Fine Bubble Aeration towards Sustainable Bioprocess Optimization
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
Z. Perçin Presenter Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Technical BiocatalysisP. Bubenheim Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Technical BiocatalysisM. Schlüter Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Multiphase FlowsA. Liese Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
P 038
Micro oxygen profiling to investigate morphological changes of filamentous Lentzea aerocolonigenes due to particle supplementation
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
A. Dinius Presenter TU BraunschweigZ. Kozanecka TU BraunschweigR. Krull TU Braunschweig
P 039
Construction of a synthetic metabolic pathway for direct production of 2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid from one- and two-carbon alcohols
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
C. Remedios Frazao Presenter Institute of Natural Materials Technology, TU DresdenK. Rabe Institute of Natural Materials Technology, TU DresdenT. Walther Institute of Natural Materials Technology, TU Dresden
P 042
Autonomous characterization of biocatalysts under real process conditions
Poster 6. Open Topic
L. Hennecke Presenter Institute of Technical Biocatalysis, Hamburg University of TechnologyL. Schaare Institute of Process Systems Engineering, Hamburg University of TechnologyM. Skiborowski Institute of Process Systems Engineering, Hamburg University of TechnologyA. Liese Institute of Technical Biocatalysis, Hamburg University of Technology
P 043
Engineering and scale-up of an amoeba-based bioprocess for the production of the cannabinoid precursor olivetolic acid
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
J. Kufs Presenter Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V. - Hans-Knöll-InstitutC. Reimer Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V. - Hans-Knöll-InstitutE. Steyer Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V. - Hans-Knöll-InstitutC. Höfler Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V. - Hans-Knöll-InstitutV. Valiante Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V. - Hans-Knöll-InstitutF. Hillmann Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V. - Hans-Knöll-InstitutL. Regestein Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V. - Hans-Knöll-Institut
P 044
Enzyme Catalysis at Elevated Pressure
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
M. Schmalle Presenter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)M. Aßmann GALAB Laboratories GmbHJ. Andrich GALAB Laboratories GmbHJ. Kuballa GALAB Laboratories GmbHP. Bubenheim Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Liese Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
P 046
LandLessFood-blue: Microalgae as an important component for food security in 2100
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
W. Hussmann Presenter Thünen Institut für AgrartechnologieM. Tölle Thünen Institut für AgrartechnologieA. Kuenz Thünen Institut für Agrartechnologie
P 047
Optimization of an Enzymatic Cascade using a Mechanistic Model
Poster 6. Open Topic
R. Siedentop Presenter TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl für BioprozesstechnikM. Dziennus TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl für BioprozesstechnikS. Lütz TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl für BioprozesstechnikK. Rosenthal TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl für Bioprozesstechnik
P 048
Foam-free rhamnolipid production process by a novel membrane-stirrer system
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
T. Karmainski RWTH Aachen UniversityP. Bongartz RWTH Aachen UniversityM. Meyer RWTH Aachen UniversityT. Tiso Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityM. Wessling RWTH Aachen UniversityL. Blank RWTH Aachen University
P 049
Microbes under pressure: Enhancing the performance of filamentous fungi in stirred tank reactor cultivation
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
S. Weiser Presenter Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll InstituteJ. Kufs Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll InstituteJ. Fricke Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll InstituteB. Bardl Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll InstituteY. Huang Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll InstituteV. Valiante Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll InstituteD. Hoffmeister Friedrich Schiller University JenaL. Regestein Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll Institute
P 050
Engineering the biocatalytic synthesis of aromatic amides
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
J. Rolf Presenter TU Dortmund UniversityL. Grebe TU Dortmund UniversityC. Willrodt BASF SEM. Rack BASF SES. Lütz TU Dortmund UniversityK. Rosenthal TU Dortmund University
P 051
Genome mining and activity screening: Towards novel fungal unspecific peroxygenases
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
A. Kinner Presenter TU Dortmund UniversityK. Rosenthal TU Dortmund UniversityS. Lütz TU Dortmund University
P 052
Towards a Digital Twin for Agricultural Biogas Plants
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
C. Fittkau Presenter Hochschule Furtwangen A. Moser Hochschule Furtwangen C. Appl Hochschule Furtwangen F. Baganz University College LondonV. Hass Hochschule Furtwangen
P 053
On-Board Analytic: Using a microbioreactor to quantify microbial urease activity during cultivation with the goal of improving biocementation applications
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
F. Lapierre Presenter Hochschule MünchenR. Huber Hochschule München
P 054
Development of a Label-free Online Tool for Quantification of Population Dynamics in Microbial Cocultures based on Autofluorescence Spectrometry
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
J. Stein Presenter Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)I. Schlembach Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)J. Kufs Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)N. Schlosser Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)M. Rosenbaum Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)L. Regestein Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
P 055
Cell-free ATP regeneration from low cost substrate pyruvate enables efficient sn-glycerol-3-phosphate synthesis
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
F. Kraußer Presenter Technische Universität DresdenA. Hoff Technische Universität DresdenM. Hobusch Technische Universität DresdenE. Straube Technische Universität DresdenK. Rabe Technische Universität DresdenT. Walther Technische Universität Dresden
P 057
Optimization of astaxanthin recovery in the downstream process of Haematococcus pluvialis
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
I. Koopmann Presenter Flensburg University of Applied SciencesA. Labes Flensburg University of Applied SciencesA. Kramer Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
P 058
Biotechnological upcycling of plastics – Metabolic potential and opportunity for global warming reduction
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
T. Tiso Presenter RWTH AachenR. Wei University of GreifswaldE. Pollet CNRS/Strasbourg UniversityB. Winter ETH ZürichN. Wierckx Forschungszentrum JülichA. Bardow ETH ZürichU. Bornscheuer University of GreifswaldJ. Nogales CSICL. Avérous CNRS/Strasbourg UniversityW. Zimmermann Leipzig UniversityL. Blank RWTH Aachen University
P 061
A comparative LCA of chemical and biocatalytic 2'3'-cGAMP synthesis
Poster 4. Sustainability in biopharma processes
M. Becker Presenter TU DortmundA. Ziemińska-Stolarska Lodz University of TechnologyS. Lütz TU DortmundK. Rosenthal TU Dortmund
P 062
Improved and pressurized H-Cell reactor for electromethanogenesis
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
B. Rößler Presenter HAW HamburgY. Kim HAW HamburgS. Off HAW HamburgC. Frank HAW HamburgH. Schaefers HAW Hamburg
P 063
Metabolic pathway for biosynthesis of (L)-2,4-dihydrohybutyric acid for the sustainable production of the methionine analogon HMTB
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
S. Nguyen Presenter Technical University DresdenN. Ihle Technical University DresdenC. Frazao Technical University DresdenT. Walther Technical University Dresden
P 064
Wastewater to Chemicals – Bioelectrochemical production of formic acid / formate on biological wastewater treatment plants
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
T. Lange Presenter Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) - University of Applied SciencesI. Dinges DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI)M. Stöckel DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI)D. Holtmann Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) - University of Applied Sciences
P 065
Comparative rheometer investigations with model fluids for rheo-morphological studies with filamentous microorganisms
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
J. Lohr Presenter Technische Universität BraunschweigR. Hanke Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversitätK. Hoffmann Technische Universität BraunschweigL. Fillaudeau TBI, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INRAE, INSAJ. Cescut TWB, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INRA, INSA, J. Büchs RWTH Aachen UniversitätR. Krull Technische Universität Braunschweig
P 066
Improving Carbon Flux from Substrate to Product: Impact of Pathway Engineering on Microbial Production of Coniferyl Alcohol
Poster 4. Sustainability in biopharma processes
A. Steinmann Presenter TU Dortmund UniversityD. Malik TU Dortmund UniversityK. Schullehner Phytowelt GreenTechnologies GmbHA. Kohl RWTH Aachen UniversityG. Hubmann TU Dortmund UniversityS. Lütz TU Dortmund University
P 067
Metabolic Engineering of Cupriavidus necator H16 to exploit lipid de novo synthesis for OH-fatty acid ester production
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
R. Clerici Presenter RTWH AachenH. Ballerstedt RWTH Aaachen University - Angewandte MikrobiologieL. Blank RWTH Aaachen University - Angewandte Mikrobiologie
P 068
Biopolymer gel electrolytes for zinc-based batteries
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
D. Lammers Presenter TU BraunschweigR. Heydorn TU BraunschweigJ. Niebusch TU BraunschweigK. Dohnt TU BraunschweigR. Krull TU Braunschweig
P 069
Development of a robust method for online measurement of population dynamics in filamentous co-cultures
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
A. Palacio-Barrera Presenter Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology, Hans-Knöll-InstituteI. Schlembach Presenter Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology, Hans-Knöll-InstituteL. Regestein Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology, Hans-Knöll-InstituteM. Finger RWTH Aachen UniversityJ. Büchs RWTH Aachen UniversityM. Rosenbaum Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology, Hans-Knöll-Institute
P 070
Improving biochemical hydrolysis by bioaugmentation in plug-flow based reactors
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
T. Menzel Presenter Technische Univeristät BerlinS. Junne Technische Universität BerlinP. Neubauer Technische Universität Berlin
P 071
What can early-stage environmental assessment contribute to the selection of synthesis routes?
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
K. Rosenthal Presenter TU Dortmund UniversityM. Becker TU Dortmund UniversityA. Ziemińska-Stolarska Łódź University of TechnologyS. Lütz TU Dortmund University
P 072
Optimizing the growth of Pseudomonas taiwanensis VLB120 on D-xylose via the Weimberg pathway
Poster 2. Approaches for enabling a circular economy
P. Nerke Presenter TU Dortmund UniversityJ. Korb TU Dortmund UniversityF. Haala TU Dortmund UniversityG. Hubmann TU Dortmund UniversityS. Lütz TU Dortmund University
P 074
Analysis of municipal green waste as feedstock for electro-assisted fermentations with Clostridium acetobutylicum
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
M. Volkmar Presenter Technical University of KaiserslauternE. Bentz Technical University of KaiserslauternA. Langsdorf University of Applied Sciences MittelhessenD. Holtmann University of Applied Sciences MittelhessenR. Ulber Technical University of Kaiserslautern
P 075
A new multifunctional peptide tag as an alternative to the well-established His tag in recombinant protein purification and immobilization
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
T. Steegmüller Presenter Technische Universität München Bioseparation Engineering GroupS. Rauwolf Technische Universität München Bioseparation Engineering GroupS. Schwaminger Technische Universität München Bioseparation Engineering GroupS. Berensmeier Technische Universität München Bioseparation Engineering Group
P 077
Power to gas: Impact of changes in H₂ supply on performance and microbial community composition of a biological methanation process
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
H. Khesali Aghtaei Presenter Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, GermanyD. Benndorf Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, GermanyU. Reichl Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
P 079
The perforated ring flask – a non-baffled shaken bioreactor with superior gas-liquid mass transfer
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
S. Hansen Presenter Evonik Operation GmbH
P 080
Out of the dark into the light: Picking electrogenic microorganisms from the human intestinal microbiome
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
M. Mozafari TU BraunschweigP. Erfle TU BraunschweigJ. Block Presenter TU BraunschweigA. Dietzel TU BraunschweigR. Krull TU Braunschweig
P 081
Towards Analysis of Hydrodynamics within Continuous Centrifugal Extraction using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
S. Volpert Presenter TU DortmundF. Buthmann TU DortmundJ. Koop TU DortmundG. Schembecker TU Dortmund
P 082
Recombinant antimicrobial peptide production as sustainable alternative
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
L. Michel Presenter HAW HamburgA. Thoma HAW HamburgM. Saeidi HAW HamburgG. Cornelissen HAW Hamburg
P 083
Integrated processing meets scale-down
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
F. Mayer Presenter University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)M. Cserjan-Puschmann University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)C. Sam Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KGM. Soos UCT PragueG. Striedner University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
P 084
High cell density cultivation of Corynebacterium glutamicum with pH-coupled online feeding control for efficient conversion of acetate as alternative biotechnological carbon source
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
D. Kiefer Presenter University of HohenheimM. Merkel University of HohenheimL. Lilge University of HohenheimM. Henkel University of HohenheimR. Hausmann University of Hohenheim
P 085
Secondary metabolite discovery in Bacteria is influenced by cultivation systems
Poster 6. Open Topic
A. Lindig Presenter TU DortmundG. Hubmann TU DortmundS. Lütz TU Dortmund
P 086
Investigating the Processing Potential of Ethiopian Agricultural Residue Enset/Ensete ventricosum for Biobutanol Production
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
N. Seid Presenter Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyP. Griesheimer Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyA. Neumann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
P 087
Miniaturization of semi-continuous chromatography using 3D-printed microfluidic devices
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
C. Kortmann Presenter Leibniz Universität HannoverT. Habib Leibniz Universität HannoverD. Solle Leibniz Universität HannoverJ. Bahnemann Universität Augsburg
P 088
Electro-stimulated yield enhancement of biotechnological expression platforms
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
A. Hämmerli Presenter ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte WissenschaftenL. Buchmann Bühler AGL. Neutsch ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
P 089
Development of a microfluidic system for controlled transient transfection of mammalian cells
Poster 3. Novel bioprocesses
M. Dehne Presenter Leibniz Universität Hannover / Institut für Technische ChemieA. Enders Leibniz Universität Hannover / Institut für Technische ChemieJ. Bahnemann Universität Augsburg, Institut für Physik
P 090
Semi-continuous fermentation with Parageobacillus thermoglucosidasius DSM 6285 for H2 production
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
M. Ardila Presenter Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieA. Neumann Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieH. Aliyu Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
P 091
Illuminating the hidden – analyzing heterogeneity in growth kinetics of cyanobacterial photo-biocatalysts in microfluidic droplets
Poster 5. Smart bioreactor and Downstream processing concepts
P. Böhme Presenter Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
P 092
Biotechnological production of natural colorants from Basidiomycota for industrial application
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
P. Bergmann Presenter Leibniz University HannoverM. Takenberg Leibniz University HannoverC. Frank Leibniz University HannoverF. Ersoy Leibniz University HannoverR. Berger Leibniz University Hannover
P 094
Co-factor engineering towards optimization of synthetic 2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid pathways
Poster 1. Bioprocess solutions to achieve sustainable development goals
N. Ihle Presenter TU DresdenC. Remedios Frazao TU Dresden, ZINTT. Walther Technische Universität Dresden