List of posters

A detailed overview of all events can be found in the congress planner.

P 01
Which oxide phase forms first? – An in-situ Synchrotron GI-XRD study on Co-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni-Si alloys and 316L
Poster 1. Fundamental understanding of corrosion mechanisms at high temperature
J. Apell Presenter Chemnitz University of TechnologyH. Stöcker TU Bergakademie FreibergR. Wonneberger Chemnitz University of TechnologyA. Undisz Chemnitz University of Technology
P 02
Modelling internal oxidation in Fe-Cr alloys
Poster 1. Fundamental understanding of corrosion mechanisms at high temperature
D. Vakhrameev Presenter Forschungszentrum JülichJ. Zurek Forschungszentrum JülichD. Naumenko Forschungszentrum Jülich
P 03
Oxidation behaviour of AM1 Ni-based single crystal superalloy with varying homogenization heat treatments
Poster 1. Fundamental understanding of corrosion mechanisms at high temperature
A. Martin Presenter Safran Aircraft Engines/LaSIE - La Rochelle Université/Institut PprimeJ. Cormier France/Institut PPrimeE. DROUELLE Safran Aircraft EnginesJ. RAME NAAREAF. Pedraza LaSIE - La Rochelle Université
P 04
Early-stage Oxidation of a Medium Manganese Steel in Air
Poster 1. Fundamental understanding of corrosion mechanisms at high temperature
R. Wonneberger Presenter Chemnitz University of TechnologyJ. Apell Friedrich-Schiller University JenaK. Freiberg Friedrich-Schiller University JenaA. Undisz Chemnitz University of Technology
P 05
Influence of oxidizing atmosphere on high temperature oxidation of additively manufactured Rene 65
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
M. Huguet Presenter LaSIE - La Rochelle Université
P 06
Type-I hot corrosion behavior of slurry aluminide coating modified by chromizing and chromium plating processes
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
K. Shirvani Presenter IROSTS. Miraboutalebi IROSTA. Kaflou IROSTM. Farvizi Merc
P 07
Silicon Effect on Type II Hot Corrosion Behavior of Pt-Modified Aluminide Coatings
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
K. Shirvani Presenter IROSTS. Azarmehr Presenter IROSTA. Solimani DECHEMAX. Monero DECHEMAM. Galetz DECHEMA
P 08
Pre-oxidation of 699XA alloy powders in fluidized bed reactor for additive manufacturing
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
P 09
Thermo-physical properties of coated and uncoated steels exposed to hot corrosion in biomass environment
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
G. Boissonnet Presenter LA ROCHELLE UNIVERSITÉ - LASIE UMR 7356 CNRSF. Chiavaroli Università di Roma, La SapienzaV. Genova Università di Roma, La SapienzaF. Marra Università di Roma, La SapienzaF. Pedraza LA ROCHELLE UNIVERSITÉ - LASIE UMR 7356 CNRS
P 10
Corrosion of materials in molten chloride from screening to understanding
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
R. Malacarne Presenter CEA Paris-SaclayE. Schmucker Presenter CEA Paris-SaclayA. Chmakoff CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLabL. Pellicot CEA Paris-SaclayL. Martinelli CEA Paris-SaclayN. Gruet CEA Paris-SaclayS. Delpech CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLabJ. Serp CEA Marcoule
P 11
Synthesis and characterization of nano-additives for concentrated solar power plants
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
F. Pineda Presenter Universidad MayorE. Urzúa Universidad de ChileC. Martínez Universidad de la FronteraL. Troncoso Universidad Austral
P 12
High-Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Martensitic Stainless Steel in Water Vapor Containing HCl with/without Salt Deposit
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
T. Sakka Presenter Hokkaido UniversityS. Hayashi Hokkaido UniversityS. Yoneda Hokkaido UniversityR. Yamamoto EBARA Corporation
P 13
Synthesis of nickel coatings against high temperature degradation of steel SOEC interconnects
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
L. Boccaccini Presenter LaSIE UMR 7356 - La Rochelle UniversitéF. Rouillard Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, Service de recherche en Corrosion et Comportement des MatériauxF. Pedraza LaSIE UMR 7356 - La Rochelle Université
P 14
Degradation of a Pt-containing Ni-based superalloy
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
L. Hunault Presenter Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur pour l'Environnement/Université de la RochelleS. Mathieu France /Institut Jean LamourJ. Cormier France/Institut PPrimeF. Pedraza Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur pour l'Environnement/Université de la Rochelle
P 15
Aluminide coatings obtained via electroless plating for corrosion protection in concentrated solar power plants
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
V. Genova Presenter "Sapienza" University of RomeM. Conti "Sapienza" University of RomeG. Pedrizzetti "Sapienza" University of RomeL. Paglia "Sapienza" University of RomeF. Marra "Sapienza" University of RomeG. Pulci "Sapienza" University of Rome
P 16
Effects of Nb and Ti on Cr₂O₃ Scale Formation on Austenitic Steels
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
R. Tatsushima Presenter Hokkaido UniversityS. Hayashi Hokkaido UniversityS. Yoneda Hokkaido University
P 17
Low-Cost Silicon-Rich Aluminide Coatings for Oxidation Protection of Titanium Based-Alloys
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
C. Lorente Sánchez Presenter Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial INTAP. Audigié Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial INTAA. Agüero Bruna Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial INTA
P 18
Effects of Al addition on the oxidation behavior of Ni–Fe–Cr–Nb alloys at 800°C in Air
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
Y. Kuo Presenter Nagaoka University of TechnologyS. Hayashi Hokkaido UniversityK. Kakehi Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityM. Nanko Nagaoka University of Technology
P 19
The Role of High Water Vapor Conditions in Energy Conversion
Poster 1. Fundamental understanding of corrosion mechanisms at high temperature
M. Rudolphi Presenter DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutC. Schlereth DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutD. Kniep DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutB. Öztürk DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutM. Galetz DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut
P 20
High-temperature oxidation of porous FeCr alloys and its possible mitigation by pre-oxidation or atomic layer deposition of thin alumina layers
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
S. Molin Presenter Gdańsk University of TechnologyD. Koszelow Gdańsk University of Technology
P 21
Long-term oxidation (10000h at 750°C) of Crofer 22 APU coated with Fe-stabilized MnCu-oxide spinel for potential solid oxide cell interconnect
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
S. Molin Presenter Gdańsk University of TechnologyJ. Ignaczak Gdańsk University of Technology
P 22
Photoelectron microscopy study on high-temperature in-situ oxidation of Hybrid alloy at 600 °C
Poster 4. Advanced characterization and modeling/lifetime predictions
A. Olivas Presenter Swerim ABK. Simonov Swerim ABZ. He Swerim ABA. Zakharov MAX IV LaboratoryM. Oum Outokumpu Stainless aBM. Lundberg Alleima ABS. Ooi Ovako AB
P 23
New slurry coating developments for resisting molten carbonate corrosion at 650ºC and 700ºC
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
P. Audigié Presenter INTAS. Rodríguez INTAA. Agüero Bruna INTAC. Josse Centre de Micro Caractérisation Raimond CastaingS. Gouy Centre de Micro Caractérisation Raimond Castaing
P 24
Oxidation resistance of B-rich coatings on a NbTiZr alloy
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
L. Mariano Ferreira Presenter Federal University of ParanáC. Oskay DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutE. White DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutM. Galetz DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutR. Cardoso Perito Federal University of Santa CatarinaA. Clímaco Monteiro D’Oliveira Federal University of Paraná
P 25
Effect of Al and Mo on the microstructure and high temperature oxidation behavior of high entropy stainless steels
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
J. Gabriel da Cruz Passos Presenter University of São PauloC. Oskay DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutE. White DECHEMA-ForschungsinstitutC. Della Rovere Federal University of São CarlosR. da Silva Federal University of São CarlosJ. Ribeiro Martins Global R&D Brazil – ArcelorMittalM. Gonçalves de Miranda Salustre Global R&D Brazil – ArcelorMittalA. Mariano de Sousa Malafaia Federal University of São João del-ReiM. Falcao de Oliveira University of São Paulo
P 26
Material for high temperature application in liquid metals
Poster 2. Oxidation/Corrosion studies in corrosive gases, salts and slags
A. Heinzel Presenter Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieA. Purwitasari Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieR. Fetzer Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieF. Lang Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieA. Weisenburger Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieG. Müller Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
P 27
Increasing cycle oxidation resistance of PtAl coating at 1100℃ by replacing Pt partially with Zr
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
B. Yin Presenter Institute of New Materials, Guangdong Academy of SciencesM. Liu Institute of New Materials, Guangdong Academy of SciencesT. Hu Institute of New Materials, Guangdong Academy of Sciences
P 28
Improvement strategy of high temperature oxidation resistance of Pt-aluminide bond coating modified by Re diffusion barrier at 1200 ℃
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
J. Mao Presenter Institute of New Materials, Guangdong Academy of SciencesC. Deng Institute of New Materials, Guangdong Academy of SciencesJ. Liang Institute of New Materials, Guangdong Academy of Sciences
P 29
Multiscale study of high-temperature oxidation in Al2O3-Nb-based composites
Poster 1. Fundamental understanding of corrosion mechanisms at high temperature
M. Eusterholz Presenter Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieT. Boll Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieV. Ott Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieM. Stüber Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieY. Lu Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieJ. Gebauer Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieA. Kauffmann Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieM. Heilmaier Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
P 30
Comparison of residual stresses in alumina scales formed on ODS-Fe20Cr-5Al Y2O3-containing alloy during isothermal and thermal cycling exposures at 1100⁰C
Poster 1. Fundamental understanding of corrosion mechanisms at high temperature
J. JEDLIŃSKI Presenter AGH University of Kraków
P 31
Metal Dusting: Carbon Ingress & Mitigation Strategies
Poster 1. Fundamental understanding of corrosion mechanisms at high temperature
C. Schlereth Presenter DECHEMA ForschungsinstitutT. König Presenter DECHEMA ForschungsinstitutE. White Presenter DECHEMA ForschungsinstitutM. Weiser University of ErlangenJ. Roth Osnabrück University of Applied ScienceK. Jahns Osnabrück University of Applied ScienceU. Krupp RWTH Aachen University
P 32
Oxidation of Cr-based alloys and coatings up to 1200°C
Poster 3. Alloy and coating design for high-temperature oxidation/corrosion and mechanical performances
L. Koliotassis Presenter DECHEMA ForschungsinstitutM. Kerbstadt Presenter DECHEMA ForschungsinstitutF. Lanoy Presenter DECHEMA ForschungsinstitutE. White DECHEMA ForschungsinstitutS. Ulrich University of BayreuthS. Knowles University of BirminghamB. Gorr Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieM. Galetz DECHEMA Forschungsinstitut