P 01
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P 12
Retro-evolutionary mining uncovers mixing and matching of hybrid megasynthases in cyanobacteria
M. Baunach
University of BonnK. Ishida Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll InstituteQ. Sun University of TokyoM. Murakami University of TokyoJ. Teikari University of PotsdamC. Hertweck Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll InstituteE. Dittmann University of Potsdam
P 13
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P 16
SAM regeneration goes radical
Chemical Biology
L. Gericke
University of FreiburgD. Mhaindarkar University of FreiburgL. Karst University of FreiburgM. Kuge University of FreiburgS. Jahn University of FreiburgJ. Gagsteiger University of FreiburgG. Layer University of FreiburgC. Loenarz University of FreiburgJ. Andexer University of Freiburg
P 17
P 18
What’s New in the antiSMASH Ecosystem?
K. Blin
Technical University of DenmarkS. Shaw Technical University of DenmarkM. Medema Wageningen UniversityK. Blin Technical University of Denmark
P 19
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P 24
Integrative -omics analysis of Nostoc punctiforme to chase their cryptic natural product diversity
Chemical Biology
M. Miguel Gordo
Universität Potsdam/Department of MicrobiologyS. Kerestetzopoulou Universität Potsdam/Department of MicrobiologyJ. Krumbholz Universität Potsdam/Department of MicrobiologyT. Dang Technische Universität Berlin / Institut für ChemieR. Süssmuth Technische Universität Berlin / Institut für ChemieE. Dittmann Universität Potsdam/Department of Microbiology
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Towards the Synthesis of Voratin C
U. Koert Fachbereich Chemie, Philipps-Universität Marburg, GermanyC. Ip
Fachbereich Chemie, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
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