List of posters

A detailed overview of all events can be found in the congress planner.

Considering time - Development and optimization of a repeated batch process for the production of the preclinical candidate Corallopyronin A
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
L. Berger Presenter Helmholtz Institut for Infection ResearchS. Bernecker Helmholtz Institut for Infection ResearchM. Stadler Helmholtz Institut for Infection ResearchM. Große Helmholtz Institut for Infection Research
Parallel online monitoring of Biomass, Dissolved Oxygen, and Fluorescence in shake flasks for Bioprocess Characterization and Optimization
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
L. Strehl Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityA. Kuhn RWTH Aachen UniversityK. Hoffmann aquila biolabs GmbHM. Mann RWTH Aachen UniversityJ. Magnus RWTH Aachen University
All about Poly(L-malate) (PMLA): From the renewable resource over L-malate to the ready biopolymer
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
T. Hahn Presenter Fraunhofer IGBC. Schlichtig Fraunhofer IGBB. Vater Fraunhofer IGBS. Zibek Fraunhofer IGB
Development of an efficient screening for the development of a multi-step one-pot enzyme cascade synthesizing 2′3′-cyclic GMP-AMP
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
J. Schwarz Presenter Constructor UniversityK. Rosenthal Constructor University
Electrochemical lysis for protein release from microorganisms
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
S. Blank-Shim Presenter Evonik
Quantification of affinity constants for auxotrophic C. glutamicum strains using microfluidic single-cell cultivation
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
J. Wegmann Presenter Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyA. Grünberger Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Primary high-throughput screening of engineered phytases by online monitoring of the oxygen transfer rate of Komagataella phaffii
Poster 5. Metabolic Engineering meets Biochemical Engineering
S. Straaten Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityA. Ruff RWTH Aachen UniversityJ. Stotz RWTH Aachen UniversityU. Schwaneberg RWTH Aachen UniversityJ. Büchs RWTH Aachen UniversityJ. Magnus RWTH Aachen University
Novel Magnetic Separation Techniques for Phosphorus Recovery from Wastewater
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
M. Cwienczek Presenter RPTU Kaiserslautern-LandauS. Di Nonno RPTU Kaiserslautern-LandauR. Ulber RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
Platform chemicals production from alternative feedstock
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
A. Olszewska-Widdrat Presenter Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)
Precision fermentation for caffeine and other secondary metabolite production using plant cell cultures
Poster 3. Bioprocess Engineering in Food Sciences
J. Haffelder Presenter RPTU Kaiserslautern-LandauJ. Stiefelmaier RPTU Kaiserslautern-LandauR. Ulber RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
A cell-machine interface for monitoring plasmid-loss event and population stability during continuous bioproduction of plasmid DNA
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
H. Sehrt Presenter University of LiegeJ. Martinez University of LiegeR. Kinet GSK groups of companiesM. Delvenne University of LiegeF. Delvigne University of Liege
Novel Cell-Machine Interface Reveals Pulse Frequency-Dependent Heterogeneity in P. putida KT2440 During Benzoate Assimilation in Continuous Culture.
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
M. Sehrt Presenter University of LiègeH. Sehrt University of LiègeL. Henrion University of LiègeJ. Martinez University of LiègeF. Delvigne University of Liège
Production of bioethanol with the filamentous fungus Mucor Indicus as surface culture in biological residual material flows
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
P. Ballmann Presenter Prüf- und Forschungsinsitut Pirmasens e.V.S. Dröge Prüf- und Forschungsinsitut Pirmasens e.V.L. Claassen Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens e.V.
Synthetic biofilm reactor setup for chain elongation with Clostridium kluyveri
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
J. Herzog Presenter Technical University of MunichK. Blums Technical University of MunichS. Gregg Technical University of MunichL. Gröninger Technical University of MunichJ. Poppe Technical University of MunichV. Uhlig Technical University of MunichQ. Wang Technical University of MunichD. Weuster-Botz Technical University of Munich
Scale-up approach for a continuous magnetic separator for biotechnological purifications
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
J. Meyer Presenter TU BraunschweigD. Röhring TU BraunschweigN. Opilo TU BraunschweigR. Krull TU Braunschweig
Developing a novel, continuous and cost-effective strategy for recombinant protein purification using bare silica-binding peptides
Poster 3. Bioprocess Engineering in Food Sciences
A. Riera Hipp Presenter Technical University MunichP. Berensmeier Technical University Munich
Kytero® 10 - world´s smallest disk stack centrifuge
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
R. Göhmann Presenter GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH
Antibiotic-free plasmid maintenance - a long-awaited tool for industrial biotechnology
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
M. Schmidt Presenter Gen-H Genetic Engineering Heidelberg GmbHK. Brechun Gen-H Genetic Engineering Heidelberg GmbHA. Heins Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)H. Kranz Gen-H Genetic Engineering Heidelberg GmbH
Investigation of Transcriptional Kinetics and the Influence of Transcriptional Histories in Chemostat Processes with Corynebacterium glutamicum
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
J. Lange Presenter Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyL. Regestein Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)N. Henke Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyA. Grünberger Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Design of Experiments for the Optimisation of in vitro Protein Refolding for Feasible Wastewater Treatment at Large Scale
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
J. Wind BRAIN Biotech AGJ. Boethe BRAIN Biotech AGJ. Freytag BRAIN Biotech AGN. Taylor BRAIN Biotech AGC. Naumer Presenter BRAIN Biotech AG
Microbial alginate production in Azotobacter vinelandii
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
S. Mutlu Anhalt University of Applied Sciences AnhaltI. Yιlmaz Anhalt University of Applied Sciences AnhaltA. Kienle Otto von Guericke UniversityS. Duvigneau Presenter Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Enhanced production of trehalose by ALE of Cupriavidus necator H16 to sodium salts
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
L. van der Sande Presenter Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyM. Müller Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyD. Holtmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Oxidative Valorization of Biomass Derived 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid via an Electro-Enzymatic Cascade Reaction
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
R. Ravi Shankar Presenter Hamburg University of TechnologyR. Akbarsadeh Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)D. Ohde Hamburg University of TechnologyB. Fiedler Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Liese Hamburg University of Technology
Evolving an unusual central carbon metabolism in Vibrio natriegens with exceptional substrate consumption rate
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
S. Vital Presenter Technical University MunichM. Haedrich Technical University MunichB. Blombach Technical University Munich
Fast track production: Accelerated Timeline from vial to bioreactor
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
S. Mohn Presenter Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
Development of an Automated Flow Cytometry Method to Combine a Double Staining with DAPI and Alexa-488 to Quantify Bacterial DNA Synthesis.
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
J. Lopez Galvez Presenter Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZH. Mayer Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZK. Schiessl onCyt Microbiology AGM. Silva onCyt Microbiology AGS. Müller Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Harnessing Molecular Bioprocess Control for Optimized Translation Efficiency in Precision Fermentation
Poster 3. Bioprocess Engineering in Food Sciences
C. Peternell Presenter Technical University of MunichP. Noll Technical University of MunichM. Henkel Technical University of Munich
Platform Process for an Autonomous Production of Virus-Like Particles
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
S. Baukmann Presenter TU Clausthal
Benchmark modelling of plasmid production in E. coli – towards the digitalization of biopharma processes
Poster 5. Metabolic Engineering meets Biochemical Engineering
C. Gargalo Presenter Technical University of Denmark (DTU) L. Gundersen Technical University of Denmark (DTU) S. Duarte Instituto Superior TécnicoM. Prazers Instituto Superior TécnicoA. Azevedo Instituto Superior TécnicoK. v. Gernaey Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Electro-modulated separation approach for novel biotherapeutics
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
L. Meier Presenter Technical University Munich
Twin-Strep-tag immobilized peroxygenase AaeUPO for electro-enzymatic syntheses in an electrochemical fluidized bed reactor
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
M. Abt Presenter Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyN. Teetz Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyD. Müller Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyA. Tschöpe Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyM. Franzreb Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyD. Holtmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Bioprocess development for 2-oxoglutarate production: Improving C-source utilization by Corynebacterium glutamicum
Poster 5. Metabolic Engineering meets Biochemical Engineering
L. Halle Presenter Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHD. Höppner Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHJ. Marienhagen Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHS. Noack Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Reaction kinetics in Pickering emulsions – a statistical modeling approach
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
M. Seiler Presenter HTW BerlinA. Drews HTW Berlin
Biotechnological Production of Fumaric Acid by Rhizopus arrhizus
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
J. Wilhelm Presenter Thünen-Institute of Agricultural TechnologyA. Kuenz Thünen-Institute of Agricultural TechnologyU. Prüße Thünen-Institute of Agricultural Technology
Innovative approaches for the use of process analytical technology (PAT) in bioprocesses to develop process control
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
K. Dahlmann Presenter Hamilton Bonaduz
Synthetic biology approaches to engineer adipogenic cell fate commitment in cultured meat cells
Poster 3. Bioprocess Engineering in Food Sciences
F. Mehta Presenter Technical University of MunichL. Morsut University of Southern CaliforniaM. Henkel Technical University of Munich
Bridging the gap between strain and fermentation process design using next generation metabolic modeling
Poster 5. Metabolic Engineering meets Biochemical Engineering
T. Alter Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityA. Ben Ammar RWTH Aachen UniversityS. van den Bogaard RWTH Aachen UniversityT. Sugiarto RWTH Aachen UniversityK. Kumar RWTH Aachen UniversityM. Doser RWTH Aachen UniversityL. Blank RWTH Aachen University
Advantages and Challenges in Sustainable Biohydrogen Production from mL Scale to 50 L Bioreactor
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
F. Moll Presenter Aachen University of Applied SciencesT. Guo Aachen University of Applied SciencesN. Tippkötter Aachen University of Applied Sciences
Preventing stuck fermentation in winemaking: Yeast vitality testing and high-cell-count inoculation of aerobically produced S. cerevisiae
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
E. Könnel Presenter Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-LandauS. Di Nonno Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-LandauP. Becker University of HohenheimT. Lundt University of HohenheimV. Zettel University of HohenheimA. Schaum University of HohenheimW. Lauth Weingut Lauth & SohnR. Ulber Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Microbial production of biopolyesters from methanol with Methylorubrum extorquens
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
S. Lang Presenter Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KITN. Teetz Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KITD. Holtmann Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT
Recombinant Production and Characterization of Ovalbumin: A Step Towards Developing a Database for Microbial Expression Platforms of Egg Proteins
Poster 3. Bioprocess Engineering in Food Sciences
F. Beck Presenter Technical University MunichN. Böhnlein Technical University MunichP. Noll Technical University MunichM. Henkel Technical University Munich
Esterification as a Strategy for Process Intensification in Bio-Based Itaconic Acid Production
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
A. Faller Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityA. Jupke RWTH Aachen University
In-situ Product Removal of Microbial Secreted Protein A by Bare Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
J. Galbusera Presenter Technische Universität MünchenR. Klein Technische Universität MünchenF. Eilts Technische Universität MünchenS. Berensmeier Technische Universität München
Integrating Hydrogenases in Microreactors for NADH Regeneration
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
K. Dittmer Presenter Technische Universität HamburgF. Lange Technische Universität HamburgL. Rennpferdt Technische Universität HamburgL. Lauterbach RWTH Aachen UniversityD. Ohde Technische Universität HamburgH. Trieu Technische Universität HamburgA. Liese Technische Universität Hamburg
(S)-2-Hydroxyisovalerate production from D-xylose with CO converting Clostridium ragsdalei
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
I. Schwarz Presenter Technical University of MunichM. Rupp Technical University of MunichO. Frank Technical University of MunichA. Daschner Technical University of MunichD. Weuster-Botz Technical University of Munich
In-situ oxygen recovery from microfluidic channels using silicone acrylate membranes
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
C. Golze Presenter Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZL. Rößler Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering Leipzig (IOM)C. Hackl Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZA. Schmid Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
From Concept to Product: Advancing Lysostaphin Production in Corynebacterium glutamicum with Automated Workflows and Model-based Screening
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
L. Prigolovkin Presenter Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHJ. Sander Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHA. Hoffzimmer Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHM. Osthege Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHM. Siska Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHC. Desiderato University UlmC. Riedel University UlmM. Oldiges Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Improving Perfusion Bioreactors for Cultured Meat through Media Recycling and Modular Oxygenation
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
L. Köhne Presenter Technical University of MunichC. Treinen Technical University of MunichM. Henkel Technical University of Munich
Deep eutectic solvent based bioactive Pickering emulsions: a sustainable medium for oxyfunctionalization of alkenes
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
L. Adomi Presenter HTW BerlinM. Magdi German International University Cairo A. Drews HTW Berlin
Synergistic approach for the biotechnological production of polyphosphates in baker’s yeast
Poster 5. Metabolic Engineering meets Biochemical Engineering
P. Demling Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityT. Karmainski RWTH Aachen UniversityM. Baier RWTH Aachen UniversityA. Deitert RWTH Aachen UniversityJ. Fees RWTH Aachen UniversityL. Blank RWTH Aachen University
Too good to burn - paper towel waste as a substrate for diverse biotechnology
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
E. Wilharm Presenter Ostfalia university of applied science
Utilization of juice from bio-waste for the cultivation of microorganisms
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
E. Fuderer Presenter Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)S. Schönrock Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)W. Laudensack RPTU Kaiserslautern-LandauR. Ulber RPTU Kaiserslautern-LandauD. Holtmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Benefits of off-gas analysis - High foam security shutdown for benchtop bioreactors
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
N. Arto Presenter BlueSens gas sensor GmbHE. Gross Symrise AGH. Müller BlueSens gas sensor GmbH
Sustainable Biocatalytic Processes for Bioplastics: Development and Up-Scaling of Oxidoreductase Production
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
D. Meißner Presenter Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHD. Meißner RWTH Aachen UniversityD. Rother Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHD. Rother RWTH Aachen University
A dive into yeast’s sugar diet – Comparing the metabolic response of glucose, fructose, sucrose & maltose under dynamic feast/famine conditions
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
K. Verhagen TU DelftS. Wahl Presenter FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Exploring the Potential of Continuous Bioprocessing in Industrial Recombinant Protein Production with Bacillus subtilis
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
A. Ivanovski Presenter Acies Bio/ University of Ljubljana
In vitro synthesis and functional characterization of integral membrane proteins
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
S. Balakrishnan Presenter Constructor UniversityK. Rosenthal Constructor University
Repeated-Batch Cultivation of Kluyveromyces marxianus for Ethyl Acetate Production Using Non-Sterile Delactosed Whey Permeate
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
P. Klein Presenter TU DresdenA. Hoffmann TU DresdenC. Löser TU DresdenT. Walther TU Dresden
Potential of mycelium cultures of the basidiomycete Fomes fomentarius to produce sustainable composite materials
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
B. Schmidt Presenter Technische Universität BerlinT. Nunez Guitar Presenter Technische Universität BerlinJ. Zillessen Technische Universität BerlinF. Johne Technische Universität BerlinH. Gusovius Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)C. Lühr Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)V. Meyer Technische Universität Berlin
Unveiling strain-specific responses of yeast to dynamic bioprocess-relevant conditions
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
M. Bünker Bielefeld UniversityL. Blöbaum Presenter Bielefeld UniversityJ. Schmitz Bielefeld University
Cultivation systems and cell morphology determine secondary metabolite space of Streptomyces griseochromogenes
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
A. Lindig Presenter TU DortmundG. Hubmann TU DortmundS. Lütz TU Dortmund
Polyphosphate production in baker’s yeast – Process-guided strain engineering enables efficient fermentation
Poster 5. Metabolic Engineering meets Biochemical Engineering
T. Karmainski Presenter RWTH AachenP. Demling RWTH AachenM. Baier RWTH AachenA. Deitert RWTH AachenJ. Fees RWTH AachenL. Blank RWTH Aachen
Low Energy Consuming Concentration of Aroma Compounds From Fermented Acid Whey
Poster 3. Bioprocess Engineering in Food Sciences
S. Styblova Presenter TUMS. Berensmeier TUM
Sustainable Protein Production Through Coupled Microbial Fermentation
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
A. Sivanesapillai Presenter Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)A. Neumann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)D. Holtmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Potential of brown grease from municipal wastewater treatment plants as novel substrate for PHA production in Cupriavidus necator
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
S. Beck Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPKL. Aulich Presenter Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPKA. Brehmer Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPKC. Hein Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPK
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
W. Sommeregger Presenter QUBICON AG
Continuous fermentation of waste wood hydrolysate for the production of L-(+)-lactic acid by Heyndrickxia coagulans
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
L. Schroedter Presenter Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)R. Schneider Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)J. Venus Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)
Investigating Cell Disruption Methods for Protein Extraction from the Red Macroalgae Porphyra dioica
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
A. Malvis Romero Presenter Hamburg University of TechnologyC. Meier Hamburg University of TechnologyA. Liese Hamburg University of Technology
Oncolytic virus production using suspension Vero cells in chemically defined media under scalable conditions
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
J. Klee Presenter University of Applied Sciences MittelhessenD. Eckhardt University of Applied Sciences MittelhessenI. Sardlishvili University of Applied Sciences MittelhessenT. Hofmann Merck Life Science KGaAA. Zimmer Merck Life Science KGaAD. Salzig University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen
Sustainable Bioplastic Production – Fermentative Production of Biopolymers in the PHA4Pack Project
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
E. Beltran Alvarez Presenter Provadis HochschuleN. Vlatten Provadis HochschuleJ. Sanz-Wampler Provadis HochschuleK. Hebenbrock Provadis Hochschule
Impact of CRISPR/Cas9-Driven Gene Modification for Sialyllactose Synthesis on the Growth of E. coli
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
F. Körtje Presenter GALAB Laboratories GmbHP. Bubenheim Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Liese Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)J. Kuballa GALAB Laboratories GmbH
Ecological forces dictate microbial community assembly processes in bioreactor systems
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
S. Müller Presenter UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental ResearchS. Li UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Understanding microbiome functionality by metaproteomics to enhance process understanding and development
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
R. Heyer Presenter ISAS Dortmund/ University BielefeldP. Hellwig Otto-von-Guericke Universität MagdeburgH. Khesali Otto-von-Guericke Universität MagdeburgU. Reichl Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg/MPI MagdeburgD. Benndorf Anhalt University of Applied Science
Valorization of Glycerol to 1,3-Propanediol via a Hydrogen-Driven Enzyme Cascade
Poster 2. Bioprocess Automation and Control
F. Lange Presenter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)K. Dittmer Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)V. Jesenofsky Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)D. Ohde Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)J. Gescher Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Liese Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Exploring Microorganisms from Extreme Environments for Hydrocarbon Polymer Degradation
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
J. Picado Presenter Technische Universität HamburgA. Liese Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Malvis Romero Institute of Technical Biocatalysis, Hamburg University of TechnologyJ. Bohnen wfk - Cleaning Technology Institute e.V.D. Spettmann wfk - Cleaning Technology Institute e.V.B. Klippel Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Single-cell dry mass density of C. glutamicum: physiology and growth in different cultivation systems
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
J. Zwoch Presenter Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZJ. Wegmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)M. Pesch Forschungszentrum JülichA. Grünberger Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)D. Kohlheyer Forschungszentrum JülichA. Schmid Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Modelling Scalable Bioprocesses for Cultured Meat Production: Optimising Bioreactor Design and Process Integration for Industrial Applications
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
K. Brenner Presenter TUMC. Treinen TUMP. Noll TUMM. Henkel TUM
A small-scale bioreactor concept with magnetically levitated stirrer
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
C. Schirmer Presenter Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)T. Nussbaumer Levitronix GmbHR. Schöb Levitronix GmbH
Determination of enzyme kinetics for ester hydrolysis by Candida Antarctica lipase B at different pH values for CFD implementation
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
C. Hamelmann Presenter Technical University of Denmark (DTU) J. Victoria Technical University of Denmark (DTU) U. Krühne Technical University of Denmark (DTU) D. Fletcher University of SydneyJ. Kavanagh University of SydneyJ. Woodley Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Innovative Bioprocessing to Decode Amylostereum´s Secondary Metabolism: Unlocking Hidden Pathways
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
E. Schulzke Presenter Helmholtz Institut for Infection ResearchK. Goyal Helmholtz Institut for Infection ResearchR. Teponno University of DschangM. Stadler Helmholtz Institut for Infection ResearchB. Slippers University of PretoriaM. Kolarik Czech Academy of SciencesB. Sandargo Helmholtz Institut for Infection Research
Production of δ-Valerolactone in Micro-Aqueous Reaction Systems: Integration of Reaction and Downstream Processing
Poster 6. Open Topic (young researchers are encouraged to present their new, unfinished, recently started or planned work)
H. Peters Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityA. Jupke RWTH Aachen University
Novel dual-membrane reactor for enzymatic glycan synthesis with in-situ product purification
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
U. Thiele Presenter Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KITT. Kaloghlian Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KITM. Franzreb Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KITK. Bleher Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT
Synthesis of ethyl acetate with Kluyveromyces marxianus from non-sterile apple juice sludge
Poster 4. Bioprocesses using Non-Platform Organisms
M. Schuster Presenter TU DresdenA. Hoffmann TU DresdenC. Löser TU DresdenT. Walther TU Dresden
Prediction of productivity of filamentous Aspergillus niger based on morphological and rheological behaviour
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
K. Salazar-Batres Presenter Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoL. Schumann Technische Universität BraunschweigE. Galindo Fentanes Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoK. Rainer Technische Universität Braunschweig
Establishment of a Perfusion Process with CHO Cells using a 3D-printed Spiral Cell Separator with automated Flushing and online Flow Control
Poster 1. Scaling in Up- and Downstream Bioprocesses
M. Dehne Presenter University of AugsburgJ. Schellenberg Leibniz University of HannoverF. Lange Leibniz University of HannoverA. Enders Leibniz University of HannoverD. Solle Leibniz University of HannoverJ. Bahnemann University of Augsburg