List of posters

A detailed overview of all events can be found in the congress planner.

P 01
Charge-dependent purification of nanoparticles by steric exclusion chromatography
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
F. Eilts Presenter Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM)Y. Harsy Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM)S. Orbay Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM)K. Lothert Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM)F. Pagallies University of TuebingenR. Amann University of TuebingenM. Wolff Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM)
P 02
Arduino-based photo- and fluorimeter for measurements on site
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
S. Di Nonno Presenter TU Kaiserslautern, Institute of Bioprocess EngineeringD. Strieth TU Kaiserslautern, Institute of Bioprocess EngineeringY. Mayer TU KaiserslauternR. Ulber TU Kaiserslautern, Institute of Bioprocess Engineering
P 03
Reaction Engineering Development of Biocatalytic Borylation Using Cytochrome C
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
J. Hennig Presenter Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisA. Dawood Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisA. Liese Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
P 04
Optimization of the microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation for the production of biocement
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
N. Erdmann Presenter TU Kaiserslautern, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringK. de Payrebrunde TU Kaiserlautern, Chair of Computional Physics in EngineeringR. Ulber TU Kaiserslautern, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringD. Strieth TU Kaiserslautern, Chair of Bioprocess Engineering
P 05
Acid Precipitation vs. Flocculation: Opportunities and Risks of Intensified Cell Clarification
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
M. Saballus Presenter Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbHD. Schorn Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH / Hochschule MannheimM. Kampmann Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH
P 06
Modification of Additively Manufactured Structures with Stimuli-responsive Polymer Brushes - The Way to Smart and Surface-enhanced Enzyme Carriers Based on 3D-printed Material
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
D. Eixenberger Presenter Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisA. Dawood Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisA. Liese Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
P 07
Design of enzymatic cascade reactors through multi-objective dynamic optimization
Poster 5. Enzymatic production of fine chemicals
L. Paschalidis Presenter Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and SustainabilityB. Beer Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and SustainabilityS. Sutiono Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and SustainabilityV. Sieber Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and SustainabilityJ. Burger Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability
P 08
Municipal green waste as feedstock for microbial fermentations
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
M. Volkmar Presenter Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für BioverfahrenstechnikJ. Weiermüller Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für BioverfahrenstechnikJ. Stiefelmaier Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für BioverfahrenstechnikA. Schwartzkopff Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für BioverfahrenstechnikW. Ly Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für BioverfahrenstechnikR. Ulber Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrgebiet für Bioverfahrenstechnik
P 10
Production of chemicals by molecular-biological optimization of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in a BES
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
H. Wohlers Presenter DECHEMA - ForschungsinstitutD. Holtmann Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
P 11
Bioprocess Engineering meets Augmented Reality – Research-based experimentation in the digital world of school
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
L. Geuer Presenter TU Kaiserslautern, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringJ. Stiefelmaier TU Kaiserslautern, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringR. Ulber TU Kaiserslautern, Chair of Bioprocess Engineering
P 12
Integration of a PAT controlled perfusion approach with a continuous capture of monoclonal antibodies
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
J. Lemke Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH/Corporate ResearchT. Kruse Presenter Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH/Corporate ResearchJ. Matuszczyk Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH/Corporate ResearchM. Kampmann Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH/Corporate ResearchD. Pollard Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH/Corporate Research
P 13
New facilities for bioprocess development of bioactive secondary metabolites in the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research
Poster 3. Biopharmaceuticals: new bioprocesses, therapies and substances applying eukaryotes
M. Grosse Presenter Helmholtz Center for Infection ResearchS. Bernecker Helmholtz Center for Infection ResearchL. Chaverra-Munoz Helmholtz Center for Infection ResearchN. Wurzler Helmholtz Center for Infection ResearchR. Jansen Helmholtz Center for Infection ResearchS. Huettel Helmholtz Center for Infection ResearchJ. Wennrich Helmholtz Center for Infection Research
P 14
Efficient High-Throughput Screening of Strain Collections Using Bayesian Inference and Thompson Sampling
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
M. Osthege Presenter Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbHL. Helleckes Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbHW. Wiechert Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbHM. Oldiges Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
P 15
Data-Efficient Phenotyping of Strain Collections by Bayesian Inference of Key Performance Indicators
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
L. Helleckes Presenter Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHM. Osthege Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHW. Wiechert Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHM. Oldiges Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
P 16
Digital Twin of Lyophilization for Process Intensification in the Production of Bio-Molecules
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
A. Juckers Presenter Clausthal University of TechnologyJ. Strube Clausthal University of Technology
P 17
Digital Twin of ATPE processes for Process Integration in Biologics Manufacturing
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
A. Juckers Presenter Clausthal University of TechnologyA. Schmidt Clausthal University of TechnologyJ. Strube Clausthal University of Technology
P 18
Automated rational strain construction based on high-throughput conjugation
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
N. Tenhaef Presenter Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHR. Stella Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHJ. Frunzke Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHS. Noack Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
P 19
Automated signal peptide screening workflow for secretion of heterologous proteins in C. glutamicum
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
C. Müller Presenter Forschungszentrum JülichV. Waffenschmidt Forschungszentrum JülichW. Wiechert Forschungszentrum JülichM. Oldiges Forschungszentrum Jülich
P 20
Application of an optical glucose sensor in droplet-based micro-bioreactors
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
K. Viebrock Presenter TU Braunschweig - Institute of Biochemical EngineeringL. Frey TU Braunschweig - Institute of Biochemical EngineeringD. Rabl Graz University of Technology - Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food ChemistryS. Meinen TU Braunschweig - Institute of MicrotechnologyA. Dietzel TU Braunschweig - Institute of MicrotechnologyT. Mayr Graz University of Technology - Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food ChemistryR. Krull TU Braunschweig - Institute of Biochemical Engineering
P 21
Accelerated production and screening of catalytically active inclusion body libraries via automated workflows
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
K. Küsters Presenter Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHR. Saborowski Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHC. Wagner Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHW. Wiechert Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHM. Oldiges Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
P 22
Enzymes in a Continuous Packed Bed Reactor at variable Pressure up to 1300 bar
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
J. Reich Presenter Hamburg University of TechnologyP. Bubenheim Hamburg University of TechnologyA. Liese Hamburg University of TechnologyM. Aßmann GALAB Laboratories GmbHJ. Andrich GALAB Laboratories GmbHJ. Kuballa GALAB Laboratories GmbH
P 23
Development of a 3D-printed single-use separation chamber for mRNA vaccine purification via magnetic microparticles
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
L. Wommer Presenter Trier University of Applied SciencesP. Meiers Trier University of Applied SciencesR. Ulber Technical University KaiserslauternP. Kampeis Trier University of Applied Sciences
P 24
Autonomous multi-scale cascade of parallel stirred-tank bioreactors for fast protein expression studies
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
N. von den Eichen Presenter Technical University of MunichL. Bromig Technical University of MunichV. Sidarava Technical University of MunichH. Marienberg Technical University of MunichD. Weuster-Botz Technical University of Munich
P 25
The use of Raman spectroscopy, HPLC and black box modelling in a complex media matrix in bioprocesses
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
S. Kaul Presenter HAW Hamburg, Labor BPAN. Esfandiari HAW Hamburg, Labor BPAM. Scheunemann HAW Hamburg, Labor BPAJ. Steinhart HAW Hamburg, Labor BPAG. Cornelissen HAW Hamburg, Labor BPA
P 26
Knowledge transfer across cell-lines enabled by a novel embedding method - Cell-line transversal upstream bioprocess data analysis and modeling
Poster 3. Biopharmaceuticals: new bioprocesses, therapies and substances applying eukaryotes
C. Hutter DataHow AGM. von Stosch Presenter DataHow AGM. Cruz Bournazou DataHow AGM. Sokolov DataHow AGA. Butté DataHow AG
P 27
Microbial extracellular production and affinity separation of industrial relevant proteins by nonfunctionalized magnetic particles
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
A. Zanker Presenter Technische Universität MünchenS. Kurzbach Technische Universität MünchenP. Stargardt enGenes Biotech GmbHS. Schwaminger Technische Universität MünchenJ. Mairhofer enGenes Biotech GmbHS. Berensmeier Technische Universität München
P 28
Synthesis of 2-Se-pyrimidine nucleosides by thermophilic nucleoside phosphorylase
Poster 5. Enzymatic production of fine chemicals
K. Hellendahl Presenter TU Berlin, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringF. Kaspar BioNukleo GmbH / Technische Univeristät BerlinS. Kamel TU Berlin, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringX. Zhou Sichuan UniversityZ. Huang Sichuan UniversityP. Neubauer TU Berlin, Chair of Bioprocess EngineeringA. Kurreck BioNukleo GmbH / Technische Univeristät Berlin
P 29
A Novel Aeration Technique for Enhanced Mass Transfer and Optimization of Biocatalytic Reactions
Poster 5. Enzymatic production of fine chemicals
Z. Perçin Presenter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)D. Ohde Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)B. Thomas Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)S. Matthes Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)P. Bubenheim Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)K. Terasaka Keio UniversityM. Schlüter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Liese Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
P 30
Determination of various characteristic growth parameters of B. licheniformis DSM 13 on only yeast extract media using continuous cultivation process
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
L. Amler Presenter HAW Hamburg, Labor BPA
P 31
HaloTag® immobilization of novel α-keto acid-dependent dioxygenases increases initial rate activity and process stability
Poster 5. Enzymatic production of fine chemicals
S. Seide Presenter Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbHM. Pohl Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
P 33
Production of valuable plant polyketides in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum
Poster 3. Biopharmaceuticals: new bioprocesses, therapies and substances applying eukaryotes
J. Kufs Presenter Hans-Knoell-Institiute, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection BiologyE. Steyer Hans-Knoell-Institiute, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection BiologyC. Reimer Hans-Knoell-Institiute, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection BiologyF. Hillmann Hans-Knoell-Institiute, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection BiologyL. Regestein Hans-Knoell-Institiute, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology
P 34
Development of a P. pastoris strain for the recombinant production of peptide-based antibiotics in eukaryotic cells
Poster 3. Biopharmaceuticals: new bioprocesses, therapies and substances applying eukaryotes
L. Michel Presenter Hamburg University of Applied SciencesA. Thoma Hamburg University of Applied SciencesJ. Andrä Hamburg University of Applied SciencesS. Noll Hamburg University of Applied SciencesG. Cornelissen Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
P 35
In-line application of photon density wave spectroscopy as a PAT sensor: Monitoring and control of growth and PHA biopolymer formation in high cell density bioprocesses
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
B. Gutschmann Presenter Technische Universität BerlinT. Schiewe innoFSPEC Potsdam Universität Potsdam - Physikalische ChemieL. Aulich Technische Universität BerlinP. Neubauer Technische Universität BerlinM. Münzberg innoFSPEC Potsdam Universität Potsdam - Physikalische ChemieS. Riedel Technische Universität Berlin
P 36
Enzyme Catalysis at Elevated Pressure
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
M. Schmalle Presenter Institute of Technical Biocatalysis - TUHHM. Aßmann GALAB Laboratories GmbHJ. Andrich GALAB Laboratories GmbHJ. Kuballa GALAB Laboratories GmbHP. Bubenheim Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Technische BiokatalyseA. Liese Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Technische Biokatalyse
P 37
A biogenic adhesive based on phenolic acid-modified chitosan for bonding wood, cardboard and metals
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
C. Capitain University of Applied Sciences AachenJ. Tix University of Applied Sciences AachenL. Braun University of Applied Sciences AachenS. Krafft University of Applied Sciences AachenN. Tippkötter Presenter University of Applied Sciences Aachen
P 38
Separation of lignin phenols with supercritical High Performance Chromatography (scHPLC)
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
S. Kienitz University of Applied Sciences AachenS. Schmitz University of Applied Sciences AachenN. Tippkötter Presenter University of Applied Sciences Aachen
P 39
Quantification and validation of fatty acid intermediates of a biogas fermentation process
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
P. Keuthmann University of Applied Sciences AachenS. Krafft Presenter University of Applied Sciences AachenI. Kuperjans University of Applied Sciences AachenN. Tippkötter University of Applied Sciences Aachen
P 40
Synthesis and application of a binary acetone-based extractant for cellulose
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
J. Gärtner University of Applied Sciences AachenS. Schmitz University of Applied Sciences AachenN. Tippkötter Presenter University of Applied Sciences Aachen
P 41
Model-based prediction of microbial translation in industrial host systems
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
J. Müller Presenter University of StuttgartM. Siemann-Herzberg University of StuttgartR. Takors University of Stuttgart
P 42
Introducing PETR – a peristaltic mixed tubular reactor for in-vitro cultivation of intestinal microbiota
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
D. Vorländer Presenter TU BraunschweigD. Rasch TU BraunschweigA. Spieß TU BraunschweigK. Dohnt TU Braunschweig
P 43
Rheological and electrochemical characterization of biopolymer binders in lithium-ion batteries
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
R. Heydorn Presenter TU Braunschweig - Institut für BioverfahrenstechnikN. Schlüter TU Braunschweig - Institut für Ökologische und Nachhaltige ChemieA. Dinius TU Braunschweig - Institut für BioverfahrenstechnikS. Mohrdieck TU Braunschweig - Institut für BioverfahrenstechnikR. Jagau TU Braunschweig - Institut für PartikeltechnikA. Kwade TU Braunschweig - Institut für PartikeltechnikU. Schröder TU Braunschweig - Institut für Ökologische und Nachhaltige ChemieK. Dohnt TU Braunschweig - Institut für BioverfahrenstechnikR. Krull TU Braunschweig - Institut für Bioverfahrenstechnik
P 44
Moderate viscosity increases improve the oxygen supply in shake flasks
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
R. Hanke Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityD. Wollborn RWTH Aachen UniversityY. Ojima Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City UniversityJ. Büchs RWTH Aachen University
P 45
Process alternatives for the production of biosurfactants – or how to avoid excessive foaming in rhamnolipid production
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
T. Tiso Presenter RWTH Aachen UniversityC. Blesken RWTH Aachen UniversityI. Bator RWTH Aachen UniversityP. Demling RWTH Aachen UniversityT. Karmainski RWTH Aachen UniversityM. Henkel University of HohenheimR. Hausmann University of HohenheimL. Blank RWTH Aachen University
P 46
Taking advantage of in vivo Hydrolysis in animal Feeds for Phosphourus Adjustment
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
N. Widderich Presenter Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisF. Themlitz Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisN. Mayer Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)M. Kaltschmitt Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)P. Bubenheim Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical BiocatalysisA. Liese Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
P 47
Integrated Laboratory Evolution and Rational Engineering of GalP/Glk-dependent Escherichia coli for Higher Yield and Productivity of L-Tryptophan Biosynthesis
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
M. Chen Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)C. Ma Presenter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)L. Chen Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Zeng Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
P 48
Electrochemical formate production – sustainable feedstock from CO2 for biotechnological processes
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
M. Stöckl Presenter DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI)M. Pfitzer THM University of Applied SciencesF. Meisel DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI)N. Kalamarski DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI)D. Holtmann THM University of Applied Sciences
P 49
Phenotype analysis of cultivation processes via unsupervised learning: demonstration for Clostridium pasteurianum
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
Y. Hong Presenter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)T. Nguyen Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Zeng Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
P 50
Introduction of glycine synthase into Clostridium pasteurianum for use of C1 compounds
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
Y. Hong Presenter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)P. Arbter Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)L. Navarro Rojas Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)A. Zeng Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
P 51
Production of valeric and caproic acid from biomass residues
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
L. Selder Presenter Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)R. Turunen VTT - Technical Research Center of FinlandM. Conrad Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Thermische VerfahrenstechnikJ. Uusitalo VTT - Technical Research Center of FinlandI. Smirnova Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Thermische VerfahrenstechnikA. Zeng Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
P 52
Real time monitoring of the production process of valuable microalgae additives
Poster 6. High throughput screening systems for screening and evolution
C. Schott Presenter Institute of Natural Materials Technology TU DresdenJ. Steingröwer Institute of Natural Materials Technology TU DresdenT. Walther Institute of Natural Materials Technology TU DresdenS. Franke-Jordan CIMTT Centre of Production Engineering and Management, TU DresdenA. Delan IFU GmbH Private Institute for AnalyticH. Borsdorf UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental ResearchM. Cämmerer UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental ResearchM. Thomas UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
P 54
Increase in the translation rate of transgenes in CHO cells
Poster 3. Biopharmaceuticals: new bioprocesses, therapies and substances applying eukaryotes
L. Gatzka Presenter Fraunhofer ITEM
P 55
Enzymatic cascades in a hybrid system for the production of biohybrid fuels
Poster 5. Enzymatic production of fine chemicals
J. Spöring Presenter Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH/RWTH Aachen UniversityJ. Wiesenthal RWTH Aachen UniversityH. Mengers RWTH Aachen University W. Graf von Westarp RWTH Aachen UniversityV. Pfennig RWTH Aachen UniversityL. Blank RWTH Aachen UniversityJ. Klankermayer RWTH Aachen UniversityA. Jupke RWTH Aachen UniversityC. Bolm RWTH Aachen UniversityD. Rother Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH/RWTH Aachen University
P 56
Novel insights into the behavior of alcohol dehydrogenase in deep eutectic solvents: a molecular dynamics study
Poster 5. Enzymatic production of fine chemicals
J. Bittner Presenter Hamburg University of TechnologyN. Zhang Aarhus UniversityP. Domínguez de María Sustainable Momentum S.L.S. Kara Aarhus UniversityS. Jakobtorweihen Hamburg University of Technology
P 57
Microbial carotenoid biosynthesis potential of uncommon marine protists
Poster 3. Biopharmaceuticals: new bioprocesses, therapies and substances applying eukaryotes
I. Koopmann Presenter Flensburg University of Applied SciencesA. Labes Flensburg University of Applied SciencesA. Kramer Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
P 58
Model-assisted Design of an Immobilized Enzyme Process
Poster 5. Enzymatic production of fine chemicals
L. Arndt Presenter Hamburg University of TechnologyM. Aßmann GALAB Laboratories GmbHJ. Möller Hamburg University of TechnologyR. Pörtner Hamburg University of Technology
P 59
Bioplastic production from lignin – Development of a novel downstream processing for biotechnologically produced PET replacement
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
J. Notheisen Presenter University of StuttgartR. Takors University of Stuttgart
P 60
Synthesis of ethyl acetate from delactosed whey permeate by Kluyveromyces marxianus
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
A. Hoffmann Presenter TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials TechnologyA. Franz TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials TechnologyS. Nguyen TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials TechnologyC. Löser TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials TechnologyT. Walther TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology
P 61
Design of aerated high pressure reactors for enzyme catalysed reactions
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
D. Niehaus Presenter Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)M. Johannsen Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)D. Ohde Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)F. Perz Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)P. Bubenheim Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)G. Liebsch PreSens - Precision Sensing GmbHA. Liese Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)M. Schlüter Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
P 62
Adaption efforts of eukaryotic host systems experiencing industrial-scale substrate gradients
Poster 2. Innovative reactor and reaction concepts in bioproduction
S. Minden Presenter University of StuttgartC. Sarkizi Shams Hajian University of StuttgartM. Aniolek University of StuttgartR. Takors University of Stuttgart
P 63
Novel antibacterial substances from cyanobacteria: Screening approaches
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
S. Lenz Presenter TU KaiserslauternD. Strieth TU KaiserlauternR. Ulber TU Kaiserlautern
P 64
L-malic acid production with Aspergillus oryzae using acetate as carbon source
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
A. Kövilein Presenter Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT)K. Ochsenreither Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT)
P 65
Interchangeability of cell culture performance in stainless steel and single-use bioreactors
Poster 3. Biopharmaceuticals: new bioprocesses, therapies and substances applying eukaryotes
T. Krieg Presenter Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KGB. Eckhardt Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KGA. Paul Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KGJ. Bär Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
P 66
New plant-based biological preservative for wood materials
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
K. Hayn Presenter TU Dresden, Department of Natural Materials TechnologyJ. Emmermacher TU Dresden, Department of Natural Materials TechnologyL. Hofmann TU Dresden / Wood Technology and Fibre Materials TechnologyH. Delenk TU Dresden / Wood Technology and Fibre Materials TechnologyA. Wagenführ TU Dresden / Wood Technology and Fibre Materials TechnologyT. Walther TU Dresden, Department of Natural Materials TechnologyJ. Steingröwer TU Dresden, Department of Natural Materials Technology
P 67
Implementing Quality by Design in biomanufacturing with the Qubicon® software
Poster 3. Biopharmaceuticals: new bioprocesses, therapies and substances applying eukaryotes
K. Koczka Presenter Bilfinger Industrietechnik Salzburg GmbHW. Sommeregger Bilfinger Industrietechnik Salzburg GmbHG. Berghammer Bilfinger Industrietechnik Salzburg GmbH
P 68
Towards recombinantly produced dairy proteins as vegan food analogous: Physicochemical and emulsifying properties of genetically engineered beta-lactoglobulin
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
A. Heyse Presenter Technische Universität BerlinE. Scheidler TU MunichM. Uttinger Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)V. Lautenbach Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)U. Jandt Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)W. Peukert Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)U. Kulozik TU MunichK. Rainer TU BraunschweigS. Drusch Technische Universität BerlinK. Schwarz CAU KielR. Biedendieck TU BraunschweigK. Julia Wageningen University & Research
P 69
Recombinant production of β-Lactoglobulin variants with lacking disulfide bonds
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
S. Brune Presenter Technische Universität BraunschweigG. Günther Technische Universität BraunschweigE. Kempf Technische Universität BraunschweigD. Jahn Technische Universität BraunschweigR. Biedendieck Technische Universität BraunschweigR. Krull Technische Universität Braunschweig
P 70
Development of process phase-dependent hybrid soft sensors for online monitoring of an industrial Bacillus process
Poster 5. Enzymatic production of fine chemicals
M. Siegl Presenter TU München, Lehrstuhl für Brau- und GetränketechnologieD. Geier TU München, Lehrstuhl für Brau- und GetränketechnologieT. Becker TU München, Lehrstuhl für Brau- und GetränketechnologieB. Andreeßen Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbHS. Max Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbHE. Mose Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbHM. Zavrel Presenter Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH
P 71
Scale up of filamentous Lentzea aerocolonigenes: From shaking flask to membrane aerated bioreactor
Poster 1. Novel bioprocesses and bioproducts using prokaryotes
A. Dinius Presenter TU BraunschweigK. Schrinner TU BraunschweigM. Schrader TU BraunschweigA. Kwade TU BraunschweigR. Krull TU Braunschweig
P 72
Microbial utilization of process waters derived from thermochemical biomass conversion processes
Poster 4. Circular economy: novel production processes incl. biotechnological recycling and biomass valorization
C. Kubisch Presenter Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyK. Ochsenreither Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
P 73
Development of an end-to-end process train for continuous manufacturing of bio-based products
Poster 7. Novel downstream technologies and integrated bioprocesses
B. Sissolak Presenter Bilfinger Industrietechnik Salzburg GmbHM. Pappenreiter Bilfinger Industrietechnik Salzburg GmbHG. Recanati BOKU, ViennaK. Vorauer-Uhl BOKU, ViennaG. Striedner BOKU, ViennaA. Jungbauer BOKU, Vienna