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Poster title Electrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Ethylene: Plant Design, Evaluation and Prospects for the Future
Poster code P 3.1.01
  1. Lotte Berkelaar University of Twente Presenter
  2. Joram van der Linde University of Twente
  3. Julia Peper University of Twente
  4. Aditya Rajhans University of Twente
  5. Daniël Tiemessen University of Twente
  6. Louis van der Ham University of Twente
  7. Henk van den Berg University of Twente
  8. Matthijs Ruitenbeek Dow Benelux BV
Form of presentation Poster
  • 3.1 Sustainable production, low carbon & circular (bio)economy, clean water