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Poster title Development of a new suspension avian cell culture process for the production of a live-attenuated hMPV/hRSV vaccine: studies on growth, metabolism and up-scaling.
Poster code P 2.1.35
  1. Valentine Tingaud LAGEPP/University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Presenter
  2. Claire Bordes LAGEPP/University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  3. Claudia Cogné LAGEPP/University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  4. Eyad Al mouazen LAGEPP/University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  5. Caroline Chupin CIRI UCBL1 ENS INSERM U1111 CNRS, Virologie et Pathologie Humaine, Faculté de médecine Laennec
  6. Julia Dubois CIRI UCBL1 ENS INSERM U1111 CNRS, Virologie et Pathologie Humaine, Faculté de médecine Laennec
  7. Philippe Lawton LAGEPP/University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Form of presentation Poster
  • 2.1. Chemical and Bioprocesses