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Poster title Liver spheroid co-cultures with fresh or cryopreserved hepatocytes and endothelial cells as tool to investigate metabolism and hepatotoxicity
Poster code P32
  1. Anett Ullrich Primacyt Cell Culture Technology GmbH
  2. Jana Moer Primacyt Cell Culture Technology GmbH
  3. Tanja Krimmling Primacyt Cell Culture Technology GmbH Presenter
  4. Dieter Runge Primacyt Cell Culture Technology GmbH
  5. Simon Beuck A & M Labor für Analytik und Metabolismusforschung Service GmbH
  6. Madlen Matz-Soja Universität Leipzig
  7. Andrea Zimmermann Sächsischer Inkubator für klinische Translation
Form of presentation Poster
  • 1. Organoids