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Poster title Debottlenecking of an enzyme cascade reaction for synthesis of Cinnamyl Cinnamate
Poster code P 49
  1. Grit Brauckmann Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical Biocatalysis Presenter
  2. Claudia Engelmann Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
  3. Francesca Meyer Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Process Systems Engineering
  4. Volkan Filiz Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon - Institute of Membrane Research
  5. Torsten Brinkmann Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon - Institute of Membrane Research
  6. Andreas Liese Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
  7. Mirko Skiborowski Technische Universität Hamburg
  8. Thomas Waluga Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Process Systems Engineering
  9. Paul Bubenheim Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
Form of presentation Poster
  • 5. Smart combination of up- and downstream processing