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Poster title Leuna100: Continuous production of e-methanol by means of homogeneously catalyzed synthesis gas conversion
Poster code P 24
  1. Lucas Hoof Fraunhofer UMSICHT Presenter
  2. Nils Hohmann Fraunhofer UMSICHT
  3. Ralf Paucker Fraunhofer UMSICHT
  4. Martin Peters Fraunhofer UMSICHT
  5. Kai junge Puring Fraunhofer UMSICHT
  6. Norman Kienzle Fraunhofer UMSICHT
  7. Marcus Budt Fraunhofer UMSICHT
  8. Ulf-Peter Apfel Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Form of presentation Poster
  • Electrification of Catalytic Processes