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Poster title The Proteomes That Feed The World
Poster code P_132
  1. Cemil Can Saylan Technical University of Munich Presenter
  2. Sophia Hein Technical University of Munich
  3. Gio Tsiklauri Technical University of Munich
  4. Qussai Abbas Technical University of Munich
  5. Jiuyue Pan Technical University of Munich
  6. Armin Soleymaniniya Technical University of Munich
  7. Mario Picciani Technical University of Munich
  8. Genc Haljiti Technical University of Munich
  9. Ezgi Aydin Technical University of Munich
  10. Veronica Ramirez Technical University of Munich
  11. Guido Giordano Technical University of Munich
  12. Paula Andrade Galan Technical University of Munich
  13. Lukas Würstl Technical University of Munich
  14. Sebastian Urzinger Technical University of Munich
  15. Andrea Piller Technical University of Munich
  16. Patrick Röhrl Technical University of Munich
  17. Sarah Brajkovic Technical University of Munich
  18. Corinna Dawid Technical University of Munich
  19. Stephanie Wilhelm Technical University of Munich
  20. Claus Schwechheimer Technical University of Munich
  21. Chris-Carolin Schön Technical University of Munich
  22. Viktoriya Avramova Technical University of Munich
  23. Josch Pauling Technical University of Munich
  24. Christina Ludwig Technical University of Munich
  25. Dimitri Frischmann Technical University of Munich
  26. Mathias Wilhelm Technical University of Munich
  27. Caroline Gutjahr Technical University of Munich
  28. Ralph Hückelhoven Technical University of Munich
  29. Brigitte Poppenberger Technical University of Munich
  30. Bernhard Kuster Technical University of Munich
Form of presentation Poster
  • Bioinformatics