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Beitragstitel Why nickel dislikes ZIFs: routes towards preparation of pure nickel zeolitic imidazolate frameworks
Beitragscode P 013
  1. Aljaž Škrjanc National Institute of Chemistry and University of Nova Gorica Präsentierende:r
  2. Dominik Jankovič Fakulty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology University of Ljubljana
  3. Anton Meden Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana
  4. Matjaž Mazaj National Institute of Chemistry
  5. Erik Svensson Grape Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University
  6. Martin Gazvoda Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana
  7. Nataša Zabukovec Logar National Institute of Chemistry and University of Nova Gorica
Präsentationsform Poster
  • Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung