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Poster title Fungal Communities on Solar Panels: Implications for Renewable Energy Efficiency
Poster code C1-02
  1. Polona Zalar University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty Presenter
  2. Maruša Trobec Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
  3. Cene Gostinčar University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty
  4. Nina Gunde-Cimerman University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty
  5. Mojca Milavec National Institute of Biology
  6. Anna A. Gorbushina Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Freie Universität Berlin
  7. Pedro M. Martín Sánchez Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS-CSIC)
  8. Alexandra Bogožalec Košir National Institute of Biology
Form of presentation Poster
  • C - Sustainability & Renewable energy
    • C1 - Renewable energy & biological challenges