ACHEMA Congress 2018
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Alloys and technologies for steam cracking furnace coils
Biotech for chemistry
Biotechnology for a sustainable bioeconomy
Bolting technologies
Chemical engineering
CO2Plus – Broadening the raw material base
Cyber security why and how
Data exchange in the process industry
Electricity as a resource – Results from the Fraunhofer Lighthouse Project
European Process Safety Centre (EPSC)
Flexible production
Flow Chemistry Symposium
Future energy supply
Handheld vibrational spectrometers
Industrial water management
InnoEMat - Innovative materials for electrochemistry
Innovative process analytics
International powder and nanotechnology forum
Laboratory technology
Labour and process safety
Managing corrosion and fouling with Teflon™ solutions
Materials and material processing
Membranes and membrane processes
Mixing and separation technology
Model based process control in real life
Nickel alloys for today’s process industry – Experiences, applications and perspectives
Panel discussion on Flow Chemistry: Challenges and opportunities of micro reaction technologies
Particle characterisation primer – the whys, the hows, the can’ts and the future
Pharmaceutical technology
Phytoextraction and technology
PRAXISforum: Advanced reactor design
PRAXISforum: Bioprocessing: Speed, flexibility, disposables
PRAXISforum: Chemical and pharma logistics
PRAXISforum: Future production
PRAXISforum: Innovative mixing and separation solutions
PRAXISforum: Lab of the future
PRAXISforum: Pharma meets production
PRAXISforum: Safety first!
PRAXISforum: Sensor-based production control
PRAXISforum: State-of-the-art in fluid handling
Process analytical technology
Process safety vision 20/20
Raw materials and alternative feedstocks
Reaction technology
Resource efficiency in the processing industry
Scalable milli and micro production technology for energy efficient continuous manufacturing in the process industry – Mi2Pro
Sustainability – renew, resource and rethink
TERESA - Droplet entrainment and droplet reduction in mass transfer devices
The future of process safety
Water treatment, water reuse and desalination
WavE-projects: Water reuse in industry
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ACHEMA Congress 2018
Thursday – 06-14-2018
Process analytical technology - Smart manufacturing and big data
Dr. Ulrich Westhaus (DECHEMA e.V.)
CMF - Harmonie 1
Process analytical technology
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150 Minutes
Online Measurement and Control of Polymer Properties – Benefits, Challenges and Enabling ‘Smart Manufacturing’
CEO and Co-founder Alex Reed | Fluence Analytics | United States
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Michael Drenski | Fluence Analytics | United States
Prof. Wayne Reed | Tulane University | United States
Rick Montgomery | Fluence Analytics | United States
Natalie Leonardi | Fluence Analytics | United States
Dr. Sig Floyd | Fluence Analytics | United States
CEO and Co-founder Alex Reed | Fluence Analytics | United States
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Datamining and Smart Services @ Bosch Packaging
Dr. Marc Michaelis | Hüttlin GmbH - A Bosch Packaging Technology Company | Germany
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Dr. Marc Michaelis | Hüttlin GmbH - A Bosch Packaging Technology Company | Germany
Matthias Börner | Hüttlin GmbH - A Bosch Packaging Technology Company | Germany
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High resolution micro-resonators for chemo-selective sensing in liquids
Julian Menges | Chair of Separation Science and Technology, University of Kaiserslautern | Germany
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Julian Menges | Chair of Separation Science and Technology, University of Kaiserslautern | Germany
Phil Kleinschmidt | Physics and Technology of Nanostructures, Physics Department, University of Kaiserslautern | Germany
Steffen Klingel | Physics and Technology of Nanostructures, Physics Department, University of Kaiserslautern | Germany
Egbert Oesterschulze | Physics and Technology of Nanostructures, Physics Department, University of Kaiserslautern | Germany
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hans-Jörg Bart | Chair of Separation Science and Technology, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany | Germany
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Crude Blending Price Differentials On-Line Analysis and Optimization
Gregory Shahnovsky | Modcon Systems | United Kingdom
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Gregory Shahnovsky | Modcon Systems | United Kingdom
Dr. Ronny McMurray | Modcon Systems | United Kingdom
Ariel Kigel | Modcon Systems | United Kingdom
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Application of mechanistic models for the online control of crystallization processes
Dr. Niall Mitchell | Process Systems Enterprise Limited | United Kingdom
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Dr. Niall Mitchell | Process Systems Enterprise Limited | United Kingdom
Yunes Salman | School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds | United Kingdom
Caiyun Ma | School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds | United Kingdom
John Mack | Perceptive Engineering Ltd | United Kingdom
Dr. Tariq Mahmud | School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds | United Kingdom
Kevin Roberts | School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds | United Kingdom
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