P 03:
Brewery wastewater as source of raw material for electrical energy generation and hydrogen production
Dr. Emile Tabu Ojong | TU-Bergakademie Freiberg | Germany
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Dr. Emile Tabu Ojong | TU-Bergakademie Freiberg | Germany
Sarah Brunschweiger | TU München | Germany
Karl Glas | TU München | Germany
Dr. Roland Haseneder | TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Germany
P 05:
„MEGaPlan“ : Development of an electrochemically controllable sorption process with magnetic nanocomposite particles for the removal and recovery of Gd, Pt and their complex compounds
Dr. Adrian Anthes | DECHEMA - Forschungsinstitut | Germany
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Dr. Adrian Anthes | DECHEMA - Forschungsinstitut | Germany
Dr. Claudia Weidlich | DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) | Germany
Dr. Klaus-Michael Mangold | DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) | Germany
P 06:
ConCirMy- Nachhaltigkeit in der Reifenlieferkette
Dr. Rita Schulze | DECHEMA e. V. | Germany
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Dr. Rita Schulze | DECHEMA e. V. | Germany
Preslava Krahtova | CAS Software AG | Germany
Dr. Simone Wurster | TU Berlin | Germany
Dr. Christian Goroncy | DIN | Germany