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Poster title A versatile microfluidic tilting platform for investigating crosstalk between 3D microtissues and free-flowing cells
Poster code P1.4.02
  1. Oanh Nguyen ETH Zurich Presenter
  2. Christian Lohasz
  3. Ramona Nudischer F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
  4. Olivier Frey InSphero AG
  5. Jan Devan University of Basel
  6. Gennaro De Libero University of Basel
  7. Kasper Renggli ETH Zürich
  8. Andreas Hierlemann ETH Zürich
  9. Patrick Misun ETH Zürich
Form of presentation Poster
  • 1. Advanced cell culture models
    • 1.4 Models for personalized medicine