Welcome to the EUROCORR 2025 abstract submission system

Here you can submit your abstract for EUROCORR 2025, but first please note the following information:

Please prepare your abstract as PDF-file (max. 1 page and 1 MB file size using the Template).

The abstract should explicitly mention objectives, results and conclusions and/or significance of the work. Accepted abstracts will be published for all conference participants as conference proceedings (PDF-files).

The selection of the contributions will be based on the review of the abstracts by the International Scientific Committee. And please note that several prizes will be awarded for the best poster and oral presentation of early-career researchers (EFC Poster Prize, Nucear Corrosion Poster Prize).

Three presentation-options can be selected during abstract submission: 

  • Lecture (20 min): Regular oral presentation (15 min talk plus 5 min for Q&A).
  • Poster: “Classical” poster presentation.
  • Short Lecture (5 min): Short oral presentation (3 min talk with a maximum of 4 slides incl. title slide plus 2 min for Q&A).

Important: The conference registration fee cannot be waived for authors!

Now, how to proceed with the abstract submission?

You already have an user account (e.g., you have submitted an abstract for the last three EUROCORRs)? Then log in (on the right) and thereafter click "Submit a paper". Then proceed with your abstract submission.

You don't have a user account yet? Please click "Submit a paper", create a new user account on the next page and proceed with your abstract submission after logging in.

Please remember your log-in information for further use!
This account will possibly be used for further activities: changes/updates of your submission, additional abstract submissions, presentation file submission, letter of participation, etc.

Please note following important aspects while submitting:

The correct paper submission is a five-step process:

  1. Enter the title and the topic of the abstract.

  2. Upload your abstract pdf. The document should not have more than 1 page(s) and the file size should not exceed 1 MB. (see format requirements below)

  3. Enter the author list and contact details in the same order as in your abstract.

    Please note: DECHEMA will not make any changes or add authors in the system.

  4. Confirm your submission details and complete the process.

  5. Your submission is completed. You will receive a confirmation email shortly afterwards.